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Leadership viewpoints

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How to improve staff retention: identify and support valuable employees

You must learn to recognise when to retain the right people and know when to lose those who are not right for your business. Both retaining and letting go of team members can be difficult, so how do you work out who to keep? read more



Hays Expert Talk猎场锐评 | 组织变革中,如何助力企业成功?一篇来自HRD的总结

本期专栏,瀚纳仕HR职能招聘领域的顾问们,邀请多个行业的人力资源高管,共同聚焦:企业组织变革之下,HR 该如何定位自己?如何通过数字化人力资源系统为企业的发展增加助力?在招聘中,HR 一号位发挥着怎样的作用?HR 一号位有哪些特质?阅读更多



Hays Expert Talk猎场锐评 | 对话BCG医药行业合伙人楼一孺:医药行业组织变革转型及人才观

本期我们有幸邀请到 BCG 医药行业合伙人楼一孺先生,与瀚纳仕Hays 上海生命科学资深经理 Karl Zhu 共同探讨。阅读更多



摆脱“拖延症”,让你的职场向前一步(Chinese only)

相较于律师的职业光环,“ 企业法务 ” 似乎略显低调,误以为只是处理琐碎事务的边缘岗位。然而在瀚纳仕Hays,有这样一支低调务实的团队,不仅能帮公司规避法律风险,也是公司恪守商业道德,坚持 “ 做正确的事 ” 的重要推手。 阅读更多 



GPT时代,建立共情是HR的超级能力(Chinese only)

有人说 HRBP 是公司最难的角色,难在管理人心,难在让理念和政策真正地深入人心,而不是流于表面的任务执行。所以 HR 不仅需要超级强大的心脏,还要有润物细无声的沟通力。阅读更多 



她在瀚纳仕工作8年,拒绝随波被“卷”(Chinese only)

企业要实现可持续的发展,小到一个财报数字,大到一个投资决策,都与之息息相关。人前专业,幕后努力,她必须 “ 快、狠、准 ” 地用数字说话。责任大、压力大,怎么保持 “ 松弛感 ” ?会看报表,比普通人更容易财务自由吗?阅读更多 



怎样治好精神内耗,学会向上管理?(Chinese only)

本期职乎开始,我们将走进瀚纳仕幕后英雄,TA 们虽不是冲在业务一线的人,却用自己的专业、勤奋、用心,成为老板背后重要的人,也是推动公司发展的极大助力。阅读更多 



做正确的事是领导者一生的必修课(Chinese only)

好的管理者如何带动他人呢?他们是凭借怎样的技能影响到团队使其能全身心地投入到创造价值与成功的过程中?本期 “ Leader 职乎 ”,小编采访了瀚纳仕中国科技业务总监 Leo Shen与瀚纳仕广州业务负责人 Cece Tang,一起聊聊 TA 们对领导力的看法。阅读更多 



合作、共赢、高效,领导力进阶指南(Chinese only)

本期 “ Leader 职乎 ”,瀚纳仕北京地区业务总监 Sunny Wang 以及企业解决方案业务总监 Jack Gong 将共话领导力,一起聊聊Leader 如何以更人性化的方式激发团队合作,实现以客户为先的合作伙伴关系。阅读更多 



How to elevate your employer brand with sustainability

What is becoming ever clearer for leaders in the world of work, is that our workforces care about this issue, and they expect us to care too. Many employees want to work for businesses that have a social conscience, and sustainability is one important element that is attracting workers to companies.Read more



Making people the solution to your corporate sustainability challenges

Harnessing the power, knowledge and passion of the workforce is crucial if we are to be successful, and your workers should be a key part of any corporate sustainability strategy. What can we do to empower our people to make a difference?Read more



Quite quitting and employee engagement - what you need to know

If you’ve read any news articles online, or picked up a newspaper in recent weeks, chances are you’ve heard about quiet quitting – the work-place phenomenon that has recently taken over TikTok.Read more



Solving tomorrow's workforce challenges

This July marks a significant moment not just in the Hays story, but my own story with Hays. As I step into my new role as Managing Director, Asia, I reflect on our new strapline and brand promise – Working for your tomorrow – and what it means for us as a business as we continue to lead the recruitment industry in Asia. Read more



Do you need to improve your on-boarding process for new leaders?

Recruiting and selecting new leaders is high stakes, difficult and time consuming, but just as crucial for success is the often neglected on-boarding process.Read more



The myths and realities of job searching over the festive period

Despite all the distractions of the festive period, if you really are committed to finding yourself the perfect job in 2021, you must take a proactive approach to ...Read more



How loneliness could be killing productivity in your business

While we have more ways than ever to connect with each other, workplace loneliness is a daily struggle for many employees. In the latest Hays Journal, we consider how organisations can ...Read more



Should I apply to a job if I don't meet all the requirements?

It’s probably happened to you at least once before… during your job search you’ve spotted the perfect job advertisement that you’d love to apply for, only to realise ...Read more



Identifying signs of burnout in the technology sector and how to combat it

A February 2020 survey from anonymous workplace chat app, Blind found that 61 per cent of tech professionals were burnt out in February 2020, rising to 73 per cent in May. Furthermore, 68 per cent of tech workers felt more ... Read more



What employers need to know about Gen Z

Generation Z is largely defined as those born between 1996 and 2012. Many are beginning their entry into the workplace. But the pandemic has monumentally impacted the start of their careers. Read more



Expert Insights: MONICA PARKER

We were delighted to interview Monica Parker, Founder of HATCH Analytics for our recently released report, Uncovering the DNA of the Future Workplace report. Read more



My careers advice for the class of 2020

I’d like to share my own thoughts and perspectives, to help you boost your employability and ultimately ensure your first steps into the world of work are as positive and successful as possible. Read more



Six transformational ways your pre-COVID people strategy must change

Employees will now expect different things from organisations, in order to attract and retain the very best talent in the new era of work, businesses must adapt their people strategy. Read more



Three important questions you should ask yourself as we enter a new decade 

For most of us, the end of a year feels like a natural time to reflect and reset. It’s a time to think about what’s gone well, what hasn’t, and what we will vow to do differently in the coming 12 months. Read more



China offers investors certainty, resilience

The Chinese government has adopted a series of measures to boost economic growth, including stimulating consumption, further opening up to foreign investment, supporting private enterprises and encouraging technology innovation. Read more       



How to stop your best people leaving

As a leader, ask yourself this question: if lifelong learning and success are linked, is continuous learning really a personal priority to you, as the leader of your business, and, importantly, are you the role model your workforce looks up to in this regard? Read more



Have we forgotten how to talk to each other?

Before you read on, take a look around your office – how many people are actually talking to each other? Most are plugged into their earphones, or beavering away behind their computer screens, probably emailing the person that sits opposite them. Read more



Is your team addicted to work?

Do you put more time and effort into your work life than your personal life? Are you always the first to arrive at the office and the last to leave? Do you work every weekend, and never seem to quite manage to take your full quota of holiday entitlement?  Read more



How to boost productivity & engagement within challenging macro-economic climate

As the Chinese economy slows to more modest & sustainable GDP growth rates, organisations in China are by no means losing steam. Read more



It’s time to break the taboo around quitting

As new generations with different motivations and ambitions enter the world of work, the age old adage of a job for life is quickly becoming a thing of the past, and thus transitions into and out of our businesses may well become more frequent. Why? Read more



4 reasons why you need a millennial mentor

Over the past decade or so, it’s been fascinating to see how the traditional image of the mentor has been radically turned on its head. And now, particularly in the corporate world, many innovative employers are encouraging reverse mentorship. Read more



Are you getting these basics wrong?

When was the last time you saw a boss demanding to review even the most basic of emails or memos before sending, barking orders or timing people’s lunch breaks down to the last minute? Read more



If you fake it, you won't make it

It’s extremely sad to say that trust in CEO’s and business leaders appears to be at an all-time low these days. Undoubtedly, there are those, the minority, who have given business and business leadership a bad name. Read more



4 steps to help you succeed in a developing market

Working in a developing and growing market usually means working at full capacity and being inundated with business every single day. This might sound like an attractive proposition for an individual or organisation. Read more



Too much pessimism clouds silver lining for china’s economy

China’s slowing economy has exacerbated the gloomy sentiment about the world’s most populated market and sparked worries about massive job losses amid potential company collapses and loan defaults. Read more


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